Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Aikido Technique of the Week

Turns out that there was a goof-up last week, and I described a different technique than I named...I will correct that this week.


Hand Technique
Katate Aya Junte-mochi Taitenkan Tegatana-kirikomi Kokyu-nage - A
Cross Wrist Straight Grasp Body Shift Strike-in Breath-throw

  • Shite offers hand for cross wrist straight grasp, Uke grabs
  • Shite executes a 180-degree pivot, then a cross-step-in 180-degree pivot, bringing Uke around
  • Shite cross-steps in and body changes, raising up as if for front-strike, taking Uke off balance
  • Shite shuffle-steps in, cutting down to throw Uke forward
  • Zanshin with both arms forward, palms down

Weapon Technique
Kumitachi: Ju no Kumitachi Dai-roku yori Dai-hachi
Bokken with Partner, Ten Cuts, #6-#8

  • For all three, Uke raises up after Shite's signal, then shuffle-steps in for a front-strike to the waist
  • #6: Shite signal for front-strike, evade Uke's strike, circling over the right shoulder, cross-stepping to the left, then shuffle-in front-strike to the head
  • #7: Shite signal for front-strike, evade Uke's strike, circling over the left shoulder, shuffle-stepping to the right, then shuffle-in front-strike to the head
  • #8: Shite signal for front-strike, shuffle-back slightly back and offline, ducking bokken under Uke's strike, then shuffle-in wrist cut

Basic Movement
Irimi-nage Zanshin
Step-in Throw Final Form
From Kamae: shuffle-step in low, back hand turning palm down at about belt level, front hand curving over like for step-in throw and down almost to the other hand, palm facing to the side.

Hiki-ashi Koho Ukemi Ni
Step-back Back Breakfall #2

  • Start standing upright, feet together, hands at sides
  • Lean back off balance, as if thrown back, letting hands raise up and out to chest level
  • When balance is gone, step back with left leg, sit down back breakfall with hitting, come back to standing
  • Repeat, stepping back with right leg this time
  • Turn to the right
  • Rinse, repeat all steps above
  • Note: Keep chin tucked in
  • Note: Kick out with legs, arch back up slighly (don't fold at the waist)

I know I repeated the breakfall from last week, but I need to practice it more. :)

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