Monday, November 27, 2006

Maisie Mononoke, Queen of the North Forest

Sunday was an adventure. We drove up North...well, to a place about 15 miles North of Alexandria, which is really only about half-way up North, "up North" generally meaning it takes over 3.5 hours to get there, but...anyway, when we arrived at "Pig Paradise", we picked up this little bundle of joy, who currently inhabits our bathroom during the day, our living room and bedroom during the evening, and our hearts all of the time.

What a cutie, eh?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Playstation 3 Queue

Playstation 3 Queue
Originally uploaded by jceddy.
Took this last night outside the Target in downtown Minneapolis. The first bunch of people waiting for this morning's release of the PS3. I saw an ambulance down by the queue later when I was catching a bus...I wonder if there was a fight?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nonsense Poem

Today I felt like writing a nonsense poem...

Wozalo nixize wo
Su ru no xa su po
Su po du li
Su ru no mi
Wozalo nixize wo

Pronounciation guide...

WOAH-zah-loh NEE-chee-zay WOAH
soo ROO noh CHAH soo POH
soo POH doo LEE
soo ROO noh MEE
WOAH-zah-loh NEE-chee-zay WOAH

To the tune of "Hickory Dickory Dock"...
